
2024-04-19 16:37:38 体育 雅蝶


1. 约会和安排会议:

  • Would you be available for a meeting tomorrow morning? 你明天早上有空参加会议吗?
  • Let's schedule a meeting to discuss the upcoming event. 让我们安排一个会议讨论即将到来的活动。
  • What time works best for you? 你什么时间最方便?

2. 讨论项目和任务分配:

  • We need to finalize the budget for the new project. 我们需要敲定新项目的预算。
  • Who will be in charge of coordinating the team for the tournament? 谁将负责协调团队的锦标赛?
  • Let's allocate responsibilities and set deadlines. 让我们分配责任并设定截止日期。

3. 请求帮助和提供支持:

  • Can you assist me with updating the website content? 你能帮忙更新网站内容吗?
  • I appreciate your support in coordinating the logistics for the event. 感谢您在协调活动后勤方面的支持。
  • Could you please provide feedback on the draft proposal? 你能否对草案提出反馈意见?

4. 表达看法和建议:

  • I believe it would be beneficial to incorporate more teambuilding activities. 我认为增加更多的团建活动会有益处。
  • It may be useful to seek input from the athletes regarding the training schedule. 向运动员征求关于训练计划的意见可能会有用。
  • Let's explore new marketing strategies to expand our reach. 让我们探索新的营销策略以扩大我们的影响力。

5. 结束会议和

  • Thank you all for your valuable input and participation. 感谢大家宝贵的意见和参与。
  • Let's reconvene next week to review the progress. 下周我们再次开会审查进展情况。
  • If there are no further comments, we can adjourn the meeting. 如果没有进一步的意见,我们可以结束会议。

