
2024-05-01 20:30:55 体育资讯 涣瑾

Title: Elementary School Physical Education Lesson Plan: English


Physical education plays a crucial role in the holistic development of elementary school students. Integrating English language learning into physical education lessons not only promotes physical activity but also enhances language acquisition skills. This lesson plan aims to combine physical education and English language practice for elementary school students.

Lesson Overview:


Physical Education

Grade Level:

Elementary School (Grades 15)


45 minutes


To improve students' physical fitness and English language skills through interactive activities.

Materials Needed:

1. Cones or markers

2. Various sports equipment (balls, jump ropes, hula hoops, etc.)

3. Flashcards with English words related to physical activities (e.g., run, jump, throw, catch)

WarmUp (10 minutes):

Begin with a brief warmup activity to get students moving and engaged.

Example: "Simon Says" game incorporating English commands (e.g., "Simon says, 'Touch your toes'").

Encourage students to repeat the commands in English as they perform the actions.

Main Activities (25 minutes):


Vocabulary Relay Race:

Divide the class into teams and set up cones or markers at a distance.

Place flashcards with English words related to physical activities (e.g., run, jump, skip) at the starting line.

When you say a word in English, one student from each team runs to the pile of flashcards, finds the corresponding word, and brings it back to their team.

The team that collects the most flashcards correctly wins.

Encourage students to say the words aloud as they retrieve them.


Sports Skills Stations:

Set up different stations with various sports equipment.

Each station focuses on a specific skill (e.g., dribbling a ball, jumping rope, throwing a beanbag into a target).

Label each station with English instructions (e.g., "Kick the ball," "Jump over the rope").

Students rotate through the stations, practicing the skills and following the English instructions.

Provide demonstrations and assistance as needed.

Cool Down (5 minutes):

Conclude the lesson with a calming cooldown activity.

Example: Stretching exercises accompanied by simple English phrases (e.g., "Reach for the sky," "Touch your toes").

Encourage students to repeat the phrases as they perform the stretches.

Closure (5 minutes):

Gather the students together for a brief reflection on the lesson.

Ask questions related to both the physical activities and the English language practice (e.g., "What was your favorite activity today?" "Can you remember any new English words you learned?").

Reinforce key vocabulary words by reviewing them with the class.


Informal assessment through observation of students' participation, engagement, and ability to follow English instructions during activities.

Encourage peer assessment by having students provide feedback to each other on their language usage and sports skills.

Extension Activities:

Encourage students to create their own English commands for physical activities and lead their classmates in a game of "Simon Says."

Integrate English language learning into other physical activities throughout the school day, such as recess games and outdoor play.


By integrating English language practice into physical education lessons, elementary school students can improve both their physical fitness and language skills in an interactive and enjoyable way. This lesson plan provides a framework for teachers to incorporate language learning into physical activities, fostering a wellrounded educational experience for students.
