
2024-04-18 10:12:29 欧洲杯直播 亦钢

In the UEFA European Championship, each match consists of two halves, each lasting 45 minutes, with a 15-minute halftime break in between. Therefore, the total duration of a standard UEFA European Championship match is 90 minutes.

If the score is tied at the end of the 90 minutes, the match will go into extra time, consisting of two halves of 15 minutes each. If the score is still tied after extra time, the match will be decided by a penalty shootout.

It's important to note that the duration of a UEFA European Championship match may be extended due to stoppages for injuries, substitutions, or other reasons, as determined by the referee.

Overall, a UEFA European Championship match typically lasts around 2 hours, including halftime and any additional time for stoppages or extra time.
